Thursday, August 17, 2006

Scenes from a vacation

Cozy is blocking*, the Simply Lovely Lace Socks are almost done, we are home from the road (but still on vacation - woohoo!), and now there are bills to pay, loads of laundry to wash, and emails to respond to. So for now, I'm just going to post a few favorite pics from our travels. I got some great ones of Baby J, but I don't like to post pics of other people's babies without permission, and I haven't asked yet. But trust me, he's totally adorable!

A few snaps from down south:

The boys each took a turn riding on Granddad's tractor.
The tractor was a huge hit. So was riding on Granddad's lap.

Little Buddha gazes out the window at geese, as we pull up to a pond at a park in my hometown. Half my life ago, I used to cross-country practice runs on the same trail.

The boys get to see puppies for the first time. My mom's yorkie died two days before we arrived. We went with her to look at some yorkie pups. The boys had a ball.

Tiny Dancer prepares to get his first haircut.
(Actually, I've been trimming his hair for a year, but this was the first cut by a pro.
He did much better than I expected!
Little Buddha wanted his cut too, but we are letting his stay in big fat ringlets.)

Little Buddha models Cozy.
All done but the blocking!

*I have to admit, I hate blocking! It's one of those details requiring a kind of meticulousness that I just do not possess. It took forever, and the whole time I was thinking about all the knitting I could be doing. Also, I couldn't find my spritz bottle and was hesitant to do a wet-block since it's 100% silk. So I got a cup of water and just repeatedly dunked my hand in it and flicked water on the shawl. I have no idea if this is going to do the trick. It looks great all pinned out straight on the bed, but I have no confidence whatsoever that it is actually blocked in such a way that it's going to come out right....


unstable knitter said...

Aww, that pic with the puppy may be the sweetest pic I've seen of your three guys. :)

I hope the blocking works out. But you could always reblock if you haven't overdone it, right? (I'm one of those block-by-washing knitters, never done lace before...)

Meredith said...

Looks like you had fun! Welcome back. I can't wait to see Cozy.

essjay said...

Great pictures - I'm glad you made it home safe and had such a wonderful time!

BrownBerry said...

"...just repeatedly dunked my hand in it and flicked water on the shawl..."

That just made me laugh out loud! We will find a way when pushed won't we??! Your babies are ADORABLE, and way to stick with it on Cozy!